Mediation for couples

I support couples who want to improve effective collaboration, to reduce conflict and successfully co-parent, if they live together or apart.

Impact of conflict

Consistent overt or covert disagreements increase the strain on a couples’ relationship and will impact on your capacity to parent. Chronic conflict also influences your child’s emotional well-being and his or her capacity to learn and to socialise. In extreme cases this may create alienation with your child refusing contact. 

Reasons for disagreements and their impact

There can be many reasons for conflict between couples. You may have different parenting styles based on your past experiences of being parented and subsequently you will have very different expectations of yourselves, your partners or your children. 
Unless expectations are clearly articulated, resentment may simmer and will negatively influence your family’s atmosphere, which children will experience and suffer from.

We understood that we have different parenting styles and that was all right for the children. We stopped competing and started to appreciate our differences.

Parents Feedback

A way forward

A couple may have decided to go their separate ways, yet still want to continue to co-parent. It is in these situations that keeping the child’s best interests at heart can provide the common ground for working out constructive strategies. 
Filming your interactions with your partner/ ex-partner and reflecting on the best micro-moments will provide the focus for helpful conversations. 
You will be helped to identify verbal or non-verbal patterns of communication and identify ‘triggers’ which often are the causes for repeated pain and hurt. 
The aim is to enable you and your partner/ex-partner to effectively communicate, to express your feelings and opinions and to find mutual ways of moving forward.
You will be looking at positive touch points in your interactions. This allows you to create more of an equilibrium in your relationship. Then you can create an atmosphere which will allow you to negotiate how you parent, either together or separately, at agreed times and spaces.
Parents have found these sessions a helpful springboard to identify strengths in their relationship and start thinking about co-parenting their children in a constructive way.

Get in touch today to make an appointment for an initial consultation